Convention – 2024 Summary & Photos

Two-Day Annual Show Was a Success

The 2024 CSMMI Annual Two-Day Show was held on June 21 and 22, 2024  at the Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention site, in Burlington, Ontario Canada.  Attendance was steady, vendors reported good sales and trades, and collectors provided praise for the event and even showcased some of their "finds" on the CSMMI Facebook pages.

We are pleased to provide a summary of the annual show, the Annual General Meeting and the awards  presented to our members.


2024 CSMMI Convention Summary


Venue:  Burlington Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Centre,   3063 South Service Road, Burlington, ON    Friday June 21 & Saturday June 22, 2024. This year we were pleasantly surprised to learn the hotel was undergoing a major renovation. All guest rooms and the event halls and corridors were renovated and they looked great.

Another successful event.  Bourse featured  35 dealers on 78 tables.  Members exhibits on 5 display tables.  Special exhibit: Restored military vehicles were on display in the parking lot on the Saturday courtesy of the Ontario Military Vehicles Association (OMVA).


The Annual Meeting took place on Friday June 21, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. in the Harvester Room in the Burlington Holiday Inn.  All regular and required business took place, including, approval of the Minutes of the AGM held on June 16, 2023, Treasurer's Report (financial statements) for year ending December 31, 2023 (approved), membership report (approved), website report, report on Facebook, elections of directors and awards presentations. A highlight was the adoption of the new CSMMI Constituition (2024).  Meeting adjourned at 6:14 p.m.  For more information see draft minutes the constitution and reports at the links below.


Under the CSMMI Constitution (2024), Directors are elected to the Board for a two year term with positions filled in alternate years to ensure continuity in governance.  A transition year occurs in 2024-2025 to begin the cycle with some directors elected for a two-year term and the remaining directors elected for a one-year term.  In 2025, these one-year term positions will become two-year terms.  Under the new constitution, the number of directors has been increased by elevating the Membership Secretary and Journal Editor positions to a Director status.

For 2-Year Term (2024- 2026)

President – Juan José Besteiro (#1859) *  (replaced by Mike McLean on August 13, 2024)

1st Vice-President - Mike McLean (#1804)

Membership Secretary - Ken Keegan (#1603)

For 1-Year Term (2024-2025)

2nd Vice President - Dave Hiorth (#1310)

Treasurer – Dave Hiorth (#1310)

Secretary – Bill Alexander (#721)

Journal Editor - Lawrence Stasiuk (#1685)


CSMMI Fellowship - Fred Tripp HM, F.CSMMI (#L464), This distinction is bestowed upon individuals who have made significant contributions to the understanding of military history and collecting, both within and outside of our Society.

Silver Medal Award - Lawrence Stasiuk (#1685) for outstanding contributions to the CSMMI and its Journal

Gold Badge of Honour: Ken Keegan (#1603) – For his years of dedication to the CSMMI and being a face for our society

Honour: Mr. Bryan Patterson #953 - For being past president for 12 years.


1st place – Gold Medal and the G.E. Switzer Prize for Best in Show Award: for One Ship Four Crosses by Robert Land

2nd place – Silver Medal: Interallied Victory Medals of the First World War by Lawrence Stasiuk

3rd place - Bronze Medal: The Birth of a Regiment - Strathcona's Horse in the Boer War by James Godefroy