Journal Guidelines

Articles Wanted

You are invited to write an article for the Journal.  Please share your research, stories or items from your collection with other members.

Contact Lawrence or Bill at 

Writers Guidelines

The CSMMI has prepared a set of guidelines to assist with your submission.  Click this link 2024 CSMMI- Journal Guidelines , Revised Jan 11, 2024 to download your copy.

Advertising Opportunities

The CSMMI has a variety of spaces available for your advertisement in the Journal.  Click this link CSMMI 2024 Ad Rates Card to download your copy of rates.

Contact David Hiorth, at or call (647) 436-0876.

Classified Opportunities

The CSMMI Journal features a classified ads section for members. This is a low cost way to reach other members to sell, trade or search for that piece to complete your collection. Click this link CSMMI 2024 Ad Rates Card to download your copy of rates.

Contact Ken at to place your ad.