CSMMI Journal

Journal logo - no date

The CSMMI Journal is the official publication of the society. It is distributed to members as a member benefit. Past issues of the Journal are provided here for research purposes.

The CSMMI Journal is the quarterly publication of articles written by members and guests for the Society.  Invitation is extended to all to submit articles for consideration in our publication.  See link below for the writers guidelines and advertising opportunities.

Guidelines for Writers and Advertisers

Classified Ad Opportunities

The CSMMI Journal features a classified ads section for members. This is a low cost way to reach other members to sell, trade or search for that piece to complete your collection.

Click here for details

Past Journals are being stored on this website.  See listings below.


Archived Journals

We are in the process of uploading our past journals onto this web site.  This will take some time.  In the meantime, there may be some incomplete entries and functionality.  We apologize for any inconvenience during this period of setting up this archive and thank you for your understanding.

Our thanks go out to Floyd Migory and Fred Tripp for providing their copies of past journals for scanning into this database.

Archived Journals  (click on the following links)

Journals 2020 - 2024

Journals 1971 - 1981