Honours and Awards


The Harvey Mitchell Award, named for the CSMMI co-founder, was established in 2005 to recognize outstanding service and devotion to the interests of the Society, and also distinguished service that is recognized by the community. It is the most prestigious award that can be made by the CSMMI. Those who receive this award are entitled to add the postnominal letters “HM”.

Roll of The Harvey Mitchell Award Recipients

2022 - W. Bryan Patterson, HM (#953)

2016 - Fred Tripp, HM (#L464)

2015 - Warren E. Carroll, HM (#L374)

2010 - Donald W. L. Barnett, HM (#L2)

2006 - Frank Fluellon, HM (#L356)

2005 - Ross W. Irwin, HM (#L9)



THE CSMMI FELLOWSHIP (Instituted 2014)
The CSMMI Fellowship is a distinction bestowed upon individuals who have made significant contributions to the understanding of both military history and collecting, both within and/or outside of the Society.  Created in 2014, recipients are recognised for a demonstrated record of excellence in research, documentation, interpretation, and promotion of military collecting and history.  Through this fellowship, the CSMMI acknowledges those who have, over many years, developed a reputation of integrity and expertise within the field of militaria.

The recipients of this award are entitled to be identified by the post-nominal letters “F.CSMMI”.

The CSMMI Fellowship Recipients

#006, (2024) - Fred Tripp, HM, F.CSMMI (#L464)

#005, (2022) - Michael C. McHenry, F.CSMMI (#1746)

#004, (2019) - Bill Alexander, F.CSMMI (#721)

#003 (2019) - Clive Law, F.CSMMI (#1666)

#002 (2015) – Tim Burt, F.CSMMI (#L880)

#001 (2015) – Warren E. Carroll, F.CSMMI (#L374)

CSMMI LIFE MEMBERS (Instituted 1992)

Since its inception in 1965, the Canadian Society of Military Medals and Insignia has awarded Life Memberships to distinguished members to recognize outstanding service to the Society over a significant period of time.  Upon being appointed as a Life Member, the recipient is awarded a silver bar to be worn on the ribbon of the Silver Medal of Service to the Society.  The prefix "L" is added to their membership number.

Roll of Life Members

E. J. Harvey Mitchell (#L1)

Donald W. L. Barnett (#L2)

Ross W. Irwin (#L9)

Floyd Migory (#L15)

Bud Migory (#L16)

Diane Migory (#L70)

William Elms (#L76)

Edward E. Denby (#L92)

Victor G. Potter (#L133)

Rudy Sauro (#L94)

James Carruthers (#L159)

Roll of Life Members

Leslie A. Eslary (#L178)

Eugene G. Ursual (#L337)

Frank Fluellon (#L356)

Wayne Cline (#L713-1)

Warren E. Carroll (#L374)

Wendy Hoare (#L957)

Fred Tripp (#L464)

Tim Burt (#L880)

Louis E. Grimshaw (#L422)

Fred Hayman (#L273)


The Silver Medal of Service to the Society is awarded to members who have made significant contributions to the life of the Society.

Roll of Silver Service Medal Recipients

2024 - Lawrence Stasiuk (#1685)

2023 - John McKinnon (#163)

2023 - Ian Edwards (#276)

2020 - Bill Alexander (#F721)

2020 - Ken Keegan (#1603)

2020 - Lawrence Stasiuk (#1685)

2020 - Terry Wallace (# 1116)

2016 - Andy Traverse (#1655)

2015 - W. Bryan Patterson (#953)


THE GOLD BADGE OF HONOUR (Instituted 2005)

The Gold Badge of Honour was instituted as a means of recognizing and honouring those members who have shown a commitment to the Society and have made outstanding efforts to promote its interests over many years.

The Gold Badge of Honour Recipients

2005 - Donald W. L. Barnett (#L2)

2005 - Warren E. Carroll (#L374)

2005 - James Carruthers (#L159)

2005 - Jaime Cline (#713-2)

2005 - Wayne Cline (#L713-1)

2005 - Frank J. Corring (#539)

2005 - Vernon Donaldson (#977)

2005 - Charlie Edwards (#711)

2005 - Frank Fluellon (#L356)

2005 - Louis E. Grimshaw (#422)

2005 - Wendy Hoare (#L957)

2005 - Benjamin Keevil (#1520)

2005 - Diane Migory (#L70)

2005 - Victor G. Potter (#L133)

2005 - Eugene G. Ursual (#L337)

2006 - Blair Ferguson (#1627)

2006 - Don Sexton (#965)

The Gold Badge of Honour Recipients

2008 - Will Migory (#1642)

2009 - Andy Traverse (#1655)

2015 - Lawrence E. Stasiuk (#1685)

2016 - Bernard J. Keegan (#585)

2016 - Ken Keegan (#1603)

2016 - Colin Langridge (#380)

2016 - Fred Tripp (#L464)

2017 - Terry Wallace (#1116)

2019 - Bill Alexander (#721)

2019 - James Balmer (#11)

2019 - Gregory Loughton (#1625)

2019 - Clint Lovell (#312)

2019 - Clay Marston (#64)

2019 - Fred Tripp (#L464)

2020 - Charles Delaney (#892)

2020 - Ken Cox (#1738)

2020 - Michael C. McHenry (#1746)

2024 - Ken Keegan (#1603)



The CSMMI Long Service Medal was created to recognise those members who achieved twenty (20) years of continuous membership in good standing in the Society.  A bar is issued for each additional ten (10) years of continuous membership.  The bar is attached to the ribbon of the Long Service Medal.

At the time of introduction in 2023, at least ninety-five (95) members qualified for the LSM and many members also qualified for one, two and three bars.  Awards are not automatic and members are required to apply to the Membership Secretary for their award.  Bud Migory (#L16), a founding member of the CSMMI, has the longest continuous membership of 59 years and has been awarded the LSM with 3 bars.



HONOURARY MEMBERS (Instituted 2016)

An Honourary Membership is granted by the CSMMI to individuals who have shown a commitment to the Society and have made outstanding efforts to promote its interests over many years.

Roll of Honourary Members

2016 - Cathy Tripp (H001)

2019 - Irene Romagnoli (H002)



The CSMMI invites members to prepare and display their collections at the Annual Two-Day Show.  Displays are judged according to a set of criteria.  The following awards are issued.

1st Place Display -   The G.E. Switzer Priize - Best in Show Award

                                    CSMMI Gold Medal


2nd Place Display - CSMMI Silver Medal


3rd Place Display - CSMMI Bronze Medal



Michael A. Boggis Memorial Trophy

The Michael A. Boggis Memorial Trophy was established in 1980 and named for former member Michael A. Boggis (#141) who had served on the CSMMI executive.  This trophy was presented for The Best Researched Medal Exhibit at the CSMMI annual show from 1980 to 1993.

The trophy had gone missing and was recently recovered.  It will continue to be issued commencing in 2024

Recipients of the Michael A. Boggis Trophy

1980 -      Les Eslary

1981 -       A. Massie

1982 -      J. Carruthers

1983 -       Les Eslary

1984 -      Ross Irwin

1985 -       Les Eslary

1986 -      Gordon Scrimgeour

1987 -       Jack Stenabaugh