Posted April 11, 2022
(The following information is copied from the website)
Developers in Normandy are planning to build seaside condos on the site of Canada’s D-Day landings. That’s not right. If we’re going to preserve the sanctity of this hallowed ground and honour the memory of the soldiers who fought and died on D-Day, we need Canadians like you to speak up so our politicians will step up. Email your Member of Parliament today! Let them know we need their voice to help Save Juno Beach!
A questionable municipal land deal has turned over a large portion of Juno Beach to developers who plan to build 70 seaside condos atop this historic site. Pleas from local opposition, attempts to negotiate, and over two years of litigation — which have drained the coffers of the Juno Beach Centre — have fallen on deaf ears and left no real path towards resolution. French authorities are looking the other way and aggressive actions by the developer — despite further court actions — could see shovels in the ground within weeks. The legacy that our veterans built for future generations may disappear entirely.
We need to preserve the sanctity of this battlefield to ensure future generations have a place to reflect on the story of the incredible sons who conquered their fear to liberate a country and a continent from that beach. Building luxury seaside condos undermines the duty of memory we owe to those soldiers and it insults their sacrifice. This development is a threat to the Centre that preserves the story of those who fought at such great cost to secure Juno Beach.
“Lest We Forget” must be more than just words. The phrase means that we will do all that is necessary to honour our history, remember the valour of our soldiers who fought and died and memorialize the places that preserve the story of Canadian soldiers who put their lives on hold – or sacrificed them entirely – to fight for a better world.
Use their link to send a message to your MP.